Gérard Slaghenauffi

Gérard Slaghenauffi was born in 1951 in Aubusson, France.

Between 1966 and 1969 he studied at the ENAD in Aubusson.

Between 1969 and 1975 he worked for Mr. Raymond Picaud where he mastered the technique of carpet weaving and learned to interpret the works.

Between 1970 and 1972 he worked for Atelier Pierre Daquin in Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies.

He founded his studio in 1976 and devoted himself to his own creations and also worked for other artists such as Claude Shurr, Loewer and many, including the creations of Gérard Crinière.

From 1990 onwards he devoted himself more to his own creations and eventually brought all his passion for tapestries to his personal work.

He expresses himself fully and gives a lot of intensity to his work. Thanks to Gérard, he was gifted with exceptional dexterity which he knew how to use as an instrument allowing him to execute his works in his own style, in symbiosis with painting.

The series of planets started in 1980 and has never stopped.

He tried to evolve in his abilities through his artistic expression.

The tapestry accompanied him during three-quarters of his precious time on earth.

He died at the age of 45 from a ruptured aneurysm.

Forma antagorique

H135 x L180


Vie et mort d'une tapisserie

H116 x L177



H110 x L135
